5 Roll-Ons to Help You Pretend to Be A Morning Person
If you’re anything like us, you needed a little extra coffee this morning. Despite only an hour difference, Daylight Savings can really throw you off your groove, unless you’re in one of those magical States where time doesn’t budge (lucky you).
And then there’s the morning person, that other-worldly human who never presses the snooze button and seems to frolic in the AM. God bless them. For the rest of us, we need might need more than a smile to make it.
It isn’t too late to fake your way through today with a little help from essential oils. Naturally stimulating and energizing, many EOs are packed with properties that’ll keep you sharp.
Our expertly formulated synergy blends include only the most effective and purposeful oils. Pre-diluted and ready to use, our roll-ons are ideal for sluggish mornings. To keep your boss (or counterpart) from suspecting a lack of enthusiasm, here are our top picks so you too can pretend to be a morning person.
- Awake & Aware: Spicy and earthy, Awake & Aware synergy blend can help sharpen your focus while spurring fresh energy. Roll it on your pressure points before that Monday meeting.
- Bee Happy: Safe for anyone over 2 years old, Bee Happy helps keep crankiness at bay so you can act like a functional human. Before dropping your kids off at school, roll a little on their wrists.
- Focus, Focus, Focus: Another blend safe for little ones, Focus, Focus, Focus is a bottle of concentration. Stretch out that attention span by rolling on this blend.
- Good Morning: A blend formulated to galvanize and inspire, Good Morning can help you claim that extra pep in your step to tackle the day.
- Up & At 'Em: During that afternoon slump, Up & At 'Em can save the day. Part of our OK For Kids line, it’s incredibly effective for adults too. Boost your mood, while donning an enviable aroma, by rolling on Up & At 'Em anytime you start daydreaming of your pillow.

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